Friendly Reminder Friday: The 70/30 Rule To Live By

For this week’s Friendly Reminder Friday I am sharing my 70/30 rule I have for myself for weight loss, being healthy, and just life in general.

I know it can be tempting to be super restrictive, because that will bring you the results you want quicker. But, honestly, the weight will come back as soon as it fell off if you are super restrictive with your diet and workout regimen. I try to eat healthy 70% of the day/ week and reserve 30% for treats or a higher calorie dinner I’ve been dying to have. I don’t follow the “cheat day” idea because, for me, that has lead to having multiple cheat days in a row. I’ve found that if I have treats and different things when I want them, I don’t overindulge when I FINALLY get my cheat day.

I also try to apply my 70/30 rule to life in general. If I’ve spent 70% of my day being productive and I’m feeling like watching Netflix— I will. This allows me to give myself grace with my schedule (workout, daily, etc.). No one is on 100% of the time and if you are you will likely burn out. Balance in life is a lie because sometimes you need to focus more attention at work or home or your kids, but the 70/30 rule allows me to try and keep it as balanced as it can get! 🙂

As usual, I am not a doctor or nutritionist, but I have been on the up and down roller coaster of life and have found the 70/30 rule to help me the most. Allow yourself grace. The world is full of influencers & celebrities promoting the “hustle”, but when I embrace the hustle… I find that I burn out quicker (and harder). Try the 70/30 rule for yourself and see if that garners the type of schedule you want for your life!


Everyone Needs a Friendly Reminder… Here is Yours!

Hi Everyone!
Long time no talk, huh?

I have been really thinking about what I set out for this blog to be and what I have done with it thus far.

I have been so proud of this blog in so many different ways. There have been a number of posts that were just a small idea that I created into something I was so proud of. For instance, my post 25 Women Tell Me What They Wished They Knew at 25. That post took months and months of gathering advice from 25 different women and trying to put it cohesively into one post that I thought other young women and girls could learn from. It felt so valuable to me and I often times go back and read it when I am needing a feel-good moment. Whenever I post recipes for you guys to try it is a recipe that I have tried and tried a million times to be sure that it would be something I would be proud to hear you made.

Because I take so much time and thought and effort into each post, I often find myself stuck sometimes. I want this blog to be somewhere 20-something women can go and realize they are not the only ones thinking what they are, where moms can come and grab a recipe that’s healthy for their family, or someone can go and just realize they are not the only hot mess express in town. When I get stuck trying to come up with something that is SO inspiring or SO different and unique and come up empty, I then feel bad that I am not posting more and get into this crazy, annoying cycle of feeling inspired and then uninspired.

I thought that instead of trying to put out the “most perfect” (perfection isn’t real, but I like to think it is) blog post I will start putting out a small post every Friday. Consisting of something inspiring that happened that week, an example of my hot mess life, or just something that I think everyone could benefit from hearing. I am going to be calling this weekly post “Friendly Reminder Friday” and I am actually really excited about this segment! I will still continue with the long formatted blog posts and the posts that are more like projects, but I think this will get to the sole reason I started this blog: to help 20-something women feel like they aren’t the only ones.

I felt that there were enough blogs out there that showed the perfect house décor, perfectly pictured recipe, perfect life, and not enough that just showed life real and raw. That’s why I started Unapologetically Emily and I want to make sure that that is always the purpose behind every post.