5 Things to Remember Your First Year Trying to “Adult”

  1. As long as you are trying your best, everything will eventually fall into place. Or they won’t. Ha. There are so many uncontrollable variables in your 20’s that you just can’t plan everything. I went through a lot of growing pains throughout my teens into my early twenties, but honestly nothing compares to the pains of your mid twenties. (I hear your thirties are kick ass, though, so that’s something to look forward to.) The number one thing you can control is your attitude and doing your best every day. Wake up, do what needs to be done in order to get you where you want to be, take care of yourself, and enjoy yourself. It all goes way too fast! Be gentle with yourself… nobody is getting it all right 100% of the time.
  2. Don’t play the comparison game with everyone’s curated version. I love social media: you get to keep in contact with family and friends that you don’t get to see as often as you would like and it’s a constant stream of entertainment lol. HOWEVER, it is hard to keep yourself feeling positive about your life and your struggles when Sally from high school shares all about her promotion and engagement. You are living your behind the scenes while watching everyone else’s highlights… and it is frustrating! Stay in your lane and know that you are more than likely not the only twenty-something driving the struggle bus.
  3. Not everything is worth your energy. This comes with age for sure. I used to NEVER be able to say no to anything, but now if it’s something I don’t want to do.. I don’t do it. It’s that simple. Not everything & everyone are worth your energy. You learn what is most important to you and make time for those people and things.
  4. Take care of yourself. This is important. I spent a couple years in my early twenties drinking everything, eating whatever I wanted, not taking my vitamins… basically treating my body like a trash can not a temple. Now I am trying to reverse the bad habits I created in my early twenties. My advice: just always take care of yourself. Not only should you be taking care of yourself physically, but also mentally. Know when to take a personal day and do what your body is telling you it needs. For me, that’s a day filled with bubble baths, beer, face masks, and shopping. HA. Find out what is going to get your mind right & know when it’s needed.
  5. YOU GOT THIS. I know it feels like the sky is going to fall on your head at any moment. Seriously- I KNOW. But, many have come before us and many will come after and they survived… for the most part. Be your own cheerleader and take one day at a time! You can and will succeed 🙂

Just remember we are all trying to do our best! Adulting doesn’t come with a handbook- and like I’ve said before- someone should create one! (Maybe that’ll be an upcoming project- HA. I don’t know if my advice for adulting should be publicized.) I need to tell myself all of these things more than once a day so I figured someone else could benefit from these reminders.


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